OqUeue Refuses to WL : Reason : NOT QUALIFIED ????

Snce the update to 2.0 i am unable to WL for anything i keep getting message not qualified meanwhile i meet the requierments... below are just TWO examples even after i shuffle around gear



G'afternoon tastalea,

i'm unsure what the reason would be for that one. i'm adding more detailed response info for the next update. hopefully that'll shed more light on the subject.

btw, you might not know, you can turn off the premade announcements that appear in your chat area (the purple diamonds). it's on the setup tab about half way down. just uncheck 'announce premades'

also, you may not be aware you can change the size of your UI allowing you to see more of the game window by shrinking the button sizes. you can set the UI scale directly (wow-menu/ system/ advanced and slide the UI scale) or by adjusting your screen resolution higher. if you'd like to know how to adjust screen res, just let me know.

hope that helps,


I can report I've been experiencing the same thing.

Yeah, I don't understand how people list a raid, ilvl ++++, showing up on my qualified list, then denied for "not qualified" or "ilvl too low" ???!!

From what I've seen, that happens because of the change that makes the "ilvl" column show the lowest ilevel of the people known to be in the raid group instead of the ilevel requirement set by the raid leader. For instance, if a 515 ilevel toon creates a premade with an ilevel requirement of 550, the premade will show up in the list as "515" instead of "550". My recommendation here is to change the displayed ilevel of the premade to be the actual requirement, but to use different colors to show the extra information, e.g. green 550 means the raid group's minimum ilevel exceeds 550 and red 550 means the premade requires 550 but there are people in the raid group that fall under that requirement.

i added a red tinge to the groups with members below the min ilevel.

i've been trying to reproduce the warning and i just can't. can you tell me which group type will produce the error? hover over the group, can you see the oQueue version? anything would be helpful

Yeah, thanks Nerien, but I don't think that's it. U cannot make a group with a minimum ilvl higher than your own. Thanks tiny. Tried for a raid today, ilvl qualified & on my qualified list; not accepted: not qualified, version 2.0.1. Thanks!!

It's true, you can't make a group with a min ilevel higher than your own. But you can add an undergeared friend to the group and the same thing happens. When I see the "not qualified" warning, I hover over the premade to see the details and it usually shows that the min ilevel in the group matches what's seen in the listing, regardless of how high the actual requirement is.

Ah, I will pay more attention to that information. Thank u for the details. Also, I realized when making a group, u can check or un-check the roles or classes u actually need. Mayb that's it?! So frustrating. :P

I ran across this issue as well, I am a item level 569 hunter and found that even when trying to click waitlist even on groups with item level requirement even as low as 550, it would state "Not Qualified".

And in reply to the above reply, it isn't due to the Role being unchecked, instead you get a different error, if I remember correctly, it says "incorrect role/class" or something similar to that.

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