NEW VERSION! oQueue 2.0.3

NEW VERSION! 2.0.3 now available on and icebox

-- changes--

BUGFIX: remove-all oQueue added friends patched
UPD: added spelling special case for 'Khaz'goroth' ... also forced lower check on all realms when searching for realm-id
UPD: added rejection reason to wait list denials
UPD: changed spyglass filter from 20 characters max to 80 (really thought i changed that before, sorry Nikolaj)
UPD: changed format of rejection message
UPD: caster hit % should combine GetCombatRatingBonus with GetSpellHitModifier. (thx stickybit!)
UPD: red tinge to groups with members below the min ilevel as a warning (thx Nerien!)
UPD: adjusted font size for premade version on tooltip
UPD: contract target guids modified
UPD: insured only normal and heroic will respond to lockouts
UPD: moved paperdoll gear info and auto-inspect to oGear, now on and icebox
add: the snitch: inspect group members for min ilevel; to toggle the ui, type '/oq snitch' or click the button


Yes. Been waiting for a new release. Looking forward to trying out the new waitlist rejection messages. Was frustrating seeing groups and clicking waitlist only to be rejected with a nonsensical message.


Nice to see some of the addons getting split out.

I found them by searching for addons starting with the letter o (not case sensitive):

Not sure if there is a better way to see them all in one place.

I was really expecting them to be on the front page of the site, or the front page of the WoW section of the site.

pls relink oqueqe 2.0.3 pls

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